Oral Surgery in Minot, ND

Dakota Dental Health Center provides oral surgery in Minot, ND. Call 701-852-4755 to learn more and schedule your appointment.

Loosely defined as any dental procedure that involves cutting oral tissues, oral surgery is frequently feared and misunderstood. Yet modern surgical techniques ensure that oral surgery is nothing to fear. Here is some information on our most common oral surgery procedures.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the last of three sets of molars to emerge, typically appearing at around the age of 18. They are more likely than other teeth to cause problems, but they are also the most expendable. If yours are impacted, sideways, or crowding your other teeth, we will likely recommend removal.

This is a simple surgical procedure in which we cut open the gums and remove any bone in the way, and then gently pull the tooth with dental forceps. If necessary, we may cut the tooth into pieces to facilitate removal, and you might need stitches afterward.

Extraction Site Preservation

While wisdom tooth extraction causes no further problems, extracting another tooth could cause the other teeth to shift as the jawbone heals. Extraction site preservation protects the space during healing, ensuring that there is plenty of room and healthy jawbone for a later restoration, and that the neighboring teeth remain stable.

Bone Grafting

When a tooth is missing, the body begins to resorb the jawbone. This creates a sunken, hollow look, and can make it difficult or impossible to place a dental implant. Bone grafting, either with synthetic materials or with bone harvested from elsewhere in the body, can correct this problem and create a strong base for a later dental implant.

Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP, uses the patient’s own blood plasma to dramatically increase healing rates following oral surgery.

Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery, or corrective jaw surgery, treats abnormalities of the upper or lower jaw. The goals are to improve jaw movement and aesthetics, as well as to improve breathing, speech, chewing, and other vital functions.

Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

Diseases of the mouth and jaw can often be treated with oral surgery. If you have any unusual lumps or bumps, sores that refuse to heal, or other abnormalities, we may perform a biopsy to aid in diagnosing your condition.

Sleep Apnea

While some cases of sleep apnea are treated mechanically with a C-PAP or Bi-PAP machine, oral surgery can often correct the problem for good. Some procedures remove excess tissue from the throat, while others focus on moving the jaw forward to create more room behind the soft palate.

Call 701-852-4755 to schedule your first appointment.